
The Big Bang Theory: "The Anxiety Optimization" Review IGN All

Warning: full episode spoilers follow.

One of the running plot threads in this season of The Big Bang Theory is Sheldon's frustration over his lack of professional momentum. For a man of his massive ego, not winning a Nobel Prize or shaking up the landscape of physics as we know it is tantamount to utter failure. It's a plot thread that has been the source of some significant drama in the past, but this week it was played purely for laughs. Perhaps "The Anxiety Optimization" wasn't the memorable episode this show needed given how little it's been on the air in the past two months, but it was pretty entertaining all the same.

This week, Sheldon decided that the best way to spark his brain into action was to bombard it with as much stress as possible. Because if there's anything Sheldon is adept at, it's dealing with aggravation and things that fall outside his comfort zone. There's definitely something to be said for a plot where Sheldon welcomes ridicule from his friends. They're usually quick to deliver it regardless, so this premise just allowed everyone to pile on.

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