
The Most Epic Video Game Moments of 2014 IGN All

As video game budgets continue to climb and hardware continues to become more and more powerful, the number of awesome, epic moments video games can deliver has done nothing but increase.

But "epic" doesn't always have to mean massive explosions or groundbreaking graphics. The story twists and turns in The Wolf Among Us, an unexpected orc adversary in Shadow of Mordor, and Call of Duty's surprisingly tense take on stealth all stand out as fantastic 2014 moments. Read on to find out what other 2014 video game moments are our picks for the most epic of the year:

At the end of Act 1 in Dragon Age: Inquisition, things are not looking good. You're defeated and alone. Your stronghold has been destroyed and ransacked. Your remaining companions fracture and fight. But then, something incredible happens. A tiny glimmer of hope yet remains, and following it leads to one of the most powerful sequences in recent RPG history. It's also the moment that elevates Inquisition from merely being a great RPG into a true modern classic.

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