
Black Sails: "XIV" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

With last week's excellent reveal about Flint now backlighting the proceedings, two deals were negotiated this week. One leading to an amazing character moment and the other, well, stalling things a bit.

In fact, even Silver was worried about the beached Urca gold and how long it was taking everything regarding Vane and the fort to get sorted out. Speaking on behalf of the viewer, in some respects. Plus, the actual value Flint was placing on Abigail Ashe was called into question when Vane was not only unwilling to accept "the future" as a commodity to be traded, but also feared that Eleanor and Flint pleading for legitimacy would make New Providence look week and actually bring about the invasion they're trying to avoid. But Eleanor and Flint are back in full agreement over their shared-dream pirate paradise, so she used her "in" with Vane to sneak off and set Abigail free.

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