
Game of Thrones Episode 2: The Lost Lords Review IGN All

Game of Thrones Episode 2: Lost Lords moves quickly through its 90 minutes. We get a diverse set of color palettes and environments as we jump between existing locations Ironrath and King’s Landing and new ones, the conquered slaver city of Yunkai and The Wall. It’s eventful, alright, but it’s all pretty straightforward, and notably devoid of the duplicitousness and back-stabbing the HBO show is known for.

Asher Forrester is introduced as a cocky, swashbuckling sellsword. His scenes are almost pure banter with his sidekick, Beskha, and quick-time event action, so he’s given no decisions tougher than whether or not to kill a couple of people who just tried to kill him. He’s likable enough, but hopefully there’s more to him than this.

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