
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: "Serpent Hunt" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers from the episode to follow.

TMNT has been on a hot streak since the Turtles returned to New York City, and this week's episode was no exception. Featuring appearances from Steranko and Zeck, "Serpent Hunt" offered a good balance of characters -- not unlike the twosome's last appearance in "The Legend of Kuro Kabuto." Only instead of vying for Shredder's helmet, Steranko and Zeck were after the mutated Karai.

Meanwhile, the Turtles were getting settled into the new lair, with Donnie setting up shop to make another batch of retromutagen. Given how hard it is to make even one sample, I'll be curious to see how the Turtles pull off on a much larger batch for New York City. Suffice to say, Donnie and the gang have their work cut out for them, but it's a nice longterm goal, similar to canister collecting in Season 2.

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