
Thank You, Leonard Nimoy IGN All

Even Vulcans cry sometimes.

That’s got to be why I’m all choked up today. I mean, crying over the passing of a famous person, someone who I never even met? It is not logical.

Except this time, it is. Leonard Nimoy had a big impact on me, on my whole life, really. I don’t think I ever realized quite how much he affected me until now, however. It turns out both he and his alter ego, Star Trek’s Mr. Spock, helped to shape and inform who I am today.

As with many, many fans of his work, my connection with Nimoy began at a young age. I first started catching Star Trek episodes with my dad -- Sunday afternoon reruns on my local station, WPIX. Soon midnight airings followed, which you had to work really hard to stay awake for. (The Twilight Zone always followed at 1am for the over-achieving nerd.) Mission: Impossible and In Search of… were also in the mix during this time, again because my Dad turned me onto them. And looking back on it, I can see in these shows many of the ingredients that now make up my lifeblood.

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