
Xbox One's Standby Mode Could Be Raising Your Energy Bills IGN All

The Standby Mode on Microsoft's Xbox One Console may be costing Americans a lot of money.

"Even when it looks like your Xbox One is off, it's still drawing significant amounts of power continuously waiting for you to say 'Xbox on' around-the-clock--including when you're sound asleep or your video game-loving child is at school," writes Noah Horowitz of the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

According to a study performed by the NRDC, the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Wii U combined produce enough energy annually to sufficiently power all of the homes in Houston for a year. Sony has since implemented fixes on the PlayStation 4 to help with energy consumption, but Horowitz claims Microsoft hasn't addressed the main culprit behind the Xbox One's power-draining nature.

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