
Cox on a Daredevil Appearance in Civil War: 'I Haven't Got That Call' IGN All

Among certain corners of the internet, speculation has been brewing that we might see Charlie Cox's Daredevil in Anthony and Joe Russo's Captain America: Civil War. It makes sense - the first season of Marvel's Daredevil has wrapped, while Civil War has just begun filming. Surely there's room for a cameo from the blind superhero?

Talking with us on the eve of Netflix's launch in Australia, Cox said that while loves the idea, he hasn't received "that call" yet

"I've been reading Civil War - and Daredevil does appear in that," said Cox." And look - again, just to clarify - I have not been called about that. I haven't been invited to that party! But it would be very very cool. Just to be in the background, saying cool stuff every now and then. It would be cool to be with all those guys."

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