
The Big Bang Theory: "The Skywalker Incursion" Review IGN All

Warning: full episode spoilers follow.

The most recent episode of The Big Bang Theory left a bit of a bad taste behind, what with Leonard and Sheldon's latest tiff coming at a really inopportune time and making both characters look like jerks. This episode followed up that conflict in probably the best way it could, which was to ignore it. Now the two are back to being roommates and best buddies, even going so far as to take a road trip to Berkeley to speak about their physics paper. The result was a more classic Sheldon/Leonard team-up, and the results were pretty enjoyable.

Early on, the writers got a lot of mileage out of the running gag that Sheldon has absolutely no exposure to pop music. Hearing him tell Leonard to "play that funky music, white boy," in total deadpan was definitely one of the more amusing moments of the episode. Even better was his reaction to actually hearing the song. First it was the robotic twitching that approximated dancing. Then it was his fixation on the paradoxical nature of a band commanding a white boy to play funky music, which in turn is the same funky music the band is already singing. Sometimes a confused Sheldon is the best Sheldon.

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