
Black Sails: "VII." Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

Now I can't tell you for certain that it was the notorious, legendary Blackbeard who Vane traveled to see, as the show never mentioned him by name. But damn, did that guy have a giant black beard. And not like the one featured on the infamous "Black Beard" from the pilot episode.

Of course, if it was Blackbeard, then the show would have been thoroughly toying with actual history. Although, the real Charles Vane did go to visit the real Blackbeard after Blackbeard had gone semi-legit and settled down. With the intent of getting Blackbeard back into the pirate game, no less. So there is a real story there that shares bits and pieces with what happened in "VII." But on Black Sails, we learned that Vane used to be lowly part of this new Blackbeard's indentured, and branded, crew. So him returning to his old captain/slaver took a lot of courage.

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