
Our Chat With Fantastic 4 Reboot's New Reed Richards IGN All

IGN sat down with up-and-coming actor Miles Teller today to talk about his new movie Divergent, during which time we also got the chance to ask him about being recently cast as Mr. Fantastic in 20th Century Fox's reboot of The Fantastic Four.

"Well, for me I didn't grow up really as a comic book kid necessarily. Fantastic Four is my dad's favorite superhero comic. And so for me I guess what attracted me originally was Josh Trank," said Teller of the reboot's director. "I think Josh Trank is a very creative, inventive guy. You look at Chronicle, you look at what he did for that budget and just how he told the story was really well done. I want to chase directors at this point, and then the cast kind of came together -- Michael B. (Jordan), Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell -- I was very excited."

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