
Parks and Recreation: "The Wall" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

Before I get caught up writing about the steadily tiring PawnEagleton strife, which basically breaks down into there are now two towns that hate Leslie and try to thwart her every move, I wanted to say that I really liked the final third of "The Wall," where Leslie found out that she was actually greatly appreciated by people in the federal government because of her thorough (and now legendary) grant proposal for cleaning up the Pawnee river.

In fact, she got a serious job offer out of it. And here I was figuring that in order for her to catch people's attention up above, she'd have to settle her affairs below. But, as it turns out, she gained recognition from one of those normal, everyday Leslie Knope "above and beyond" activities that no one in her hometown ever appreciated. And could, if she wanted to, leave all the madness behind her. But she's staying put for now in order to finish what she started, relying in the job still being available whenever it is that Pawnee and Eagleton come to their senses. Which also (once again) sets up a nice season (or, if need be, series) ender.

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