
Captain Marvel #6 Review IGN All

The first story arc of the new Captain Marvel comes to a close in this issue, and it's pretty damn great. The ending takes us back to Carol Danvers' beginning, with glimpses of her origin (complete with original dialogue). This series has been fantastic right from the get-go and this issue does not disappoint. We get something we don't usually get in superhero comics: an ending. The series is continuing, as it should, but this book gives some great closure to Carol's time travel tale.

Kelly Sue DeConnick delivers a tight, fun script here that's filled with plenty of interesting twists and turns. The recycled dialogue is a neat trick and it leads to some pretty funny moments. The neatest trick of all though is how DeConnick brings in the letter that Helen Cobb wrote to Carol Danvers. We last read it in the first issue of this series, and now seeing it again gives it all new meaning. That last line, “And we will be the stars we were always meant to be” is seriously as good as it gets. Brilliant stuff.

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