
Thank You, George Lucas IGN All

Dear Mr. Lucas,

I can’t say that this represents everyone here at the site. These are just my opinions; my thoughts. In light of yesterday’s big news concerning Lucasfilm, I just wanted to take a few minutes out my day to offer an enormous and sincere “thank you” for everything you’ve given me. I can honestly say that were it not for you, my life would be in a remarkably different place right now.

Yes, I’m a huge Star Wars fan. Like, enormous. And while I’m certainly thanking you for the endless hours of joy that have come as a result of the Star Wars Universe – movies, TV, video games, comics, books, the works – this thank you isn’t quite that simplistic. It’s because of Star Wars that I chose to tell stories when I “grew up,” but more importantly, you instilled in me the ideals of never compromising my vision, earning independence as an artist, and always striving to be innovative in anything that I do.

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