
Even More Details on Wii U Storage IGN All


Since our original story, Nintendo has released more details on what types of drives will be supported by Wii U. It's worth emphasizing that there is still a degree of uncertainty at this point, and the best way of knowing whether your particular hardware will work with the system is to test it.

Even so, here's what's new:

Bus-Powered vs. Self-Powered vs. USB 3.0

Perhaps the most important detail concerning Wii U and hard drives is this - self-powered drives (i.e. ones that you not only connect by USB but also power through an AC adapter plugged into an outlet) will definitely work with the system. Bus-powered discs, apparently, either won't work until a future update or won't be directly confirmed by Nintendo as able to work until a future time. Either way, it seems as though self-powered HDDs are the better option at this point.

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