
Great Pacific #1 Review IGN All

It's pretty clear from this first issue that Great Pacific is playing the long game. There simply isn't much in this first issue. There's no clear moment where you say, “This is what makes this series unique!” The story interesting enough and it seems like it could be headed somewhere very cool, but it's a series you'll have to stick with more than it will grab you. It's missing a hook; missing a wow factor.

Joe Harris writes this story of an heir to a massive energy company who is looking to change things. The characterization is well done and you get a solid sense of this world. However, the main character doesn't stand out quite a much as you'd like him to. Again, this is a book playing for the long haul, the big picture, so that sort of stuff is probably coming. That's fine, but it feels like it might suffer a bit from issue-to-issue.

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