
Hoax Hunters #5 Review IGN All

Hoax Hunters #5 injects something into this series that was desperately needed: heart. This issue is teeming with it. As a result, this is not only the best issue of this series so far, but also the perfect place to jump in. It moves slow and takes its time, but makes sure to deliver just the right emotions. If you've been thinking about checking out this series, now is the time.

Michael Moreci and Steve Seeley ditch the giant, inter-dimensional monsters and flaming-headed zombie folk for a story about an orphan and a game of tag. By the end of this story, “tag, you're it” will have so much more meaning to you. Be warned though, the hoax hunting crew of the previous story arc barely make an appearance here. There's no astronaut with a suit full of crows. Still, that doesn't stop this issue from being a wonderful addition to the Hoax Hunters series. Hopefully, we get more stuff like this.

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