
Falling Skies: "Search and Recover" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers from the episode to follow.

The big “To Be Continued” card that concluded last week’s exciting cliffhanger held much potential. This week we see that potential squandered as a great setup is hampered by needless melodrama and some uncharacteristic behavior by Tom Mason. And, as expected, the search for Anne and creepy little Alexis yields no results.

Post-crash, Pope and Mason are given an opportunity to bond while they make their way back to Charleston. It’s a good setup and a great chance to build the relationship between the two through adversary. The results are a little hit-or-miss however.

The campfire scene was great. Pope sharing the story of how he killed a man, unintentionally, by punching him in the head was a strong emotional moment. Colin Cunningham does a great job of relaying Pope’s regret over killing a man in front of his own son. Between this episode and “Badlands”, Pope is starting to get a lot of strong character moments. Since day one he’s clearly been a stereotypical rebel with a good heart archetype but now we have a little more insight into the real Pope. That’s a good thing.

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