
Family Tree: "Indians" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

"That was some white-knuckle s***."

Aside from Bea and Monk intermittently stealing scenes, "Indians" featured some really fun non-"usual Christopher Guest player" guest stars in the form of Kevin Pollak, Joe Lo Truglio (Wanderlust), Graham Greene (Defiance), and The Office's Oscar Nunez as a crappy car salesman who knows nothing about cars, selling cars or negotiating.

"Indians" had some fine moments, topped off by an over-enthusiastic Tom, who seemed to be absolutely tickled about possibly being part Mojave. Unfortunately, there were also a ton of lazy/easy jokes as well featuring both Pete and Tom being strangely dense about Native Americans. Especially Pete, who at one point actually revealed that he thought they all immigrated to the U.S. from India and took over land owned by cowboys. I know the two mates aren't from the States, but it's still too much of a stretch to buy them being so ignorant. Although I did like the look of disappointment on Pete's face when he found out that the two tribal elders didn't smoke or drink.

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