
Super Mario 3D World's 5 Unexpected Joys IGN All

It's been quite a while since a proper Mario game has left me genuinely surprised. While almost always enjoyable, the past half-decade or so of the series has generally delivered a suite of things comprised solely of my own personal assumptions. Not since the original Super Mario Galaxy in 2007 has Nintendo blindsided me with the unexpected. So you can probably imagine how pleased I was to get my hands on a small slice of Super Mario 3D World and walk away genuinely surprised in the best possible way.

Part of the reason I consider Super Mario World to be one of the finest games of all time is due to its impeccable sense of place thanks to its wonderful, evolving world map. Making your way around the island, transforming the world and building new paths, and ultimately being able to step back and view your progress as a giant mosaic makes replaying the game a complete joy even two decades later.

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