
Agents of SHIELD: "The Magical Place" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

“The Magical Place” was the episode where we finally happened to Coulson. Sort of. The problem is, SHIELD continues to lack impact when it comes to its big reveals. Going into this episode, it was clear that Coulson had not just had a near-death experience and recuperated. So what did we learn by the end of this episode? Coulson didn’t just have a near-death experience. Yes, it was solidified that he really and truly died in The Avengers, and remained so for several days. But beyond that? All we learned was, basically, Fury used some dark and dangerous tech -- or something otherworldly perhaps -- to resurrect him, that it really, really felt awful to go through and they erased his memories of it. Is there more to it? Most likely. I certainly hope so. Because, honestly, right now, it’s not enough.

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