
Razer Aims to Gamify Life with Nabu Smartband IGN All

After its expansion into high-end gaming notebooks in 2011 and gaming tablets last year, Razer is once again proving that it's more than just a purveyor of mice and keyboards. This year at CES, the company entered an entirely new and unexpected category with the Nabu — a smartband designed to act as not just a companion to your mobile device, but a wearable sensor that tracks the way you live, sleep, and interact with others.


Smartbands are by no means a novel concept, but Razer believes the Nabu can set itself apart with its open software platform and unique featureset. The Nabu pairs with any iOS or Android-enabled device over Bluetooth 4.0 and, like devices like the Pebble, can share and display relevant notifications on your wrist. But rather than flashing your data for all to see, the device uses one outward-facing OLED display to indicate when you have received a text, email, or call with vibration and a illuminated icon. Another display on the back of your wrist shows more detailed information, like caller ID or a text. Taking privacy protection a step further, the Nabu will use its built-in accelerometer to detect when you've tilted your wrist to activate the display. With a shake of your wrist, calls can also be rejected.

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