
Game of Thrones: "The Mountain and the Viper" Photo Preview IGN All

Going a week without Game of Thrones was more depressing than watching all the death in Westeros. It's back this weekend though with "The Mountain and the Viper." Tyrion found an unexpected ally in Prince Oberyn Martell, and his fate will be decided as the Red Viper of Dorne faces the Mountain in the trial by combat.

While the fight for Tyrion's life takes place, activity is stirring near the Wall. Mole's Town, the village near Castle Black, receives unexpected visitors. We'll also stop by the Eyrie where Littlefinger's motives are questioned; a photo from the episode (in the gallery below) shows Sansa looking forlorn.

And that's not all! Jorah appears to be planning Dany's next move, and Ramsay Snow pops up and tries to prove himself to his father.

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