
Top Tips For Getting Started With WildStar IGN All

After months of waiting, the day has finally arrived - WildStar has launched and Nexus is ready to be explored (barring any unfortunate server issues, naturally). While some people have been preparing through the beta and getting ready for months, chances are there are more than a fair few of you less certain of what's ahead. Maybe you're a recent MMO convert thanks to the likes of Final Fantasy XIV or The Elder Scrolls Online, or maybe you just fancied the look of Carbine's title. Either way, we got you covered.

We spoke to game design producer Stephan Frost to get the lowdown on what makes WildStar different from other MMOs, and find out what information he thinks you should be armed with before stepping into the game. If you reckon this is all a bit basic for you, never fear; there's a wealth of more involved information in our look at why WildStar may be the MMO to bring disenfranchised genre fans back to the fold. If you're keen to get some advice about how to spend your first few hours however, stick around.

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