
James Bond Keen to Join The Expendables Cast IGN All

James Bond star Piece Brosnan has revealed he'd be interested in joining the cast of a future Expendables movie, if producers ever want him.

Speaking to ComingSoon.net, the former double-oh admitted he'd been approached before and added that he'd still happily join Sly Stallone's merry band of mischief makers.

"I said to

Avi Lerner, 'If it works out and you have a good script, Avi, you know where to find me if you still want me.' It's as simple as that really," Brosnan revealed. "I had a grand time in his company. Sylvester Stallone is the one that's given us these wonderful platforms for actors who have and had careers to go play and have fun and to entertain. To bring a bunch of guys together who saved the world, fought the bad guys, and put them all on the same stage, that's crazy good.

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