
Guardians of the Galaxy #20 Review IGN All

STK652432 After rampant speculation and mostly pointless punching, the fate of Richard Rider is at last revealed. Brian Michael Bendis details the end chapter of Star-Lord’s time in the Cancerverse, offering a decent, if unspectacular, close to Nova’s story.

Given the amount of buildup that lead up to Guardians of the Galaxy #20, to say that Richard Rider’s final moments come off as lacking is somewhat of an understatement. It’s not the end itself, as Nova’s heroic sacrifice does have some impact, but rather in the roundabout way in which we got there. Writer Bendis spends so much time getting to this moment that when it finally arrives it feels like almost an afterthought, only having any real bearing in what said revelation does to Gamora and the team as a whole. Considering that issue #20 is rife with the same oddly naked heroes and misplaced humor as the issue preceding it, the book’s more somber notes often come off as forced. While these moments do serve in creating a rift between the normally cohesive unit, Rider’s final decision, and subsequent request, fails to capture the intended weight.

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