
Black Science #10 Review IGN All

STK652797 Sometimes all it takes is a flying hippo ride to help clear the air. Black Science continues its recent focus on embattled youths Nate and Pia, mixing familial drama with the usual multiversal shenanigans. The result is yet another strong and imaginative issue in a series full of them, creators Rick Remender and Matteo Scalera driving their leads even deeper into the expansive Onion.

In the grand scheme of things, Nate and Pia started off pretty low on the Black Science totem pole. Sure, much of the narrative revolves around saving and/or finding the kids, but they’ve yet to really stand out beyond the requisite fearful screams and petulant moments. With that in mind, Remender does a nice job honing in on their particular dynamic this issue, positing two sides of the same broken coin. Though close in age, their worldviews couldn’t be more different, something Remender leaves open for further exploration given that Grant isn’t actually dead, sort of. Elsewhere, Remender offers a few interesting morsels related to some other cast members, as motivations, both new and old, begin to take light.

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