
Saga #24 Review IGN All

Saying that Saga is great is like saying that ice cream is tasty or that breathing is swell. Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples have provided such a wealth of riches over the series’ expansive run that fan expectation has reached an almost absurd high. Continually meeting such standards is a daunting task, yet somehow the creators make it look easy, never afraid to steer their narrative roller-coaster towards the most unexpected of loops. As the Saga machine prepares to shut down for the latest of their dreaded H-words, Vaughn and Staples finish their current arc in rousing fashion, in turn delivering a jaw-dropping look at what’s to come.

After ending last issue with one of the more nerve-wracking cliffhangers of recent memory, it only makes sense for Vaughn to go in the complete opposite direction here in #24. That’s not a complaint, mind you, as it’s been forever and a day since we last saw anything regarding Gwendolyn, Sophie or The Will. Vaughn deftly brings readers up to speed as to their recent adventures, in turn introducing new wrinkles to the various character relationships. Considering that Marko and Alana’s more grounded tale has been the main focus of late, issue #24 sees the welcome return of Saga’s more adventurous spirit. There’s action and intrigue aplenty, boosted by the confrontation and subsequent addition of The Will’s rarely seen sister, The Brand. Add in one truly unexpected and unbelievably awesome partnership revealed at issue’s end and you get one of Saga’s most goosebump inducing finales to date.

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