
Light Fall: A Pleasant Surprise at PAX South IGN All

When you're running from appointment to appointment at a show, you don't stop for a lot of things, but I stopped for Light Fall at PAX South. One look makes it pretty obvious why; its striking silhouettes and judicious use of color make it immediately eye-catching. It's not just another pretty face either, it's mechanics allow its designers the freedom to craft platforming challenges of a unique kind, and it gets many of the little things right that even big, experienced teams get wrong.

The core mechanic is something called the Shadow Core, a block that can be summoned out of thin air at will for use in a variety of different ways. The most fundamental use of the Shadow Core is to generate a block directly under your feet while mid-air, which you can do an unlimited number of times per jump. Of course, this means you can stay in the air indefinitely, which makes it less about "making" jumps, and more about using this unique ability to overcome formations of insta-kill obstacles. Even in the short demo I played, there were flashes of what a platformer can start to look like when level design isn't bound to placing objects within a single jump-length of one another.

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