
Marvel's Agent Carter: Series Premiere Review IGN All

The Marvel Universe, as seen in decades of comic books, is an expansive one taking place across many worlds and in many time frames, which is why it’s so fun to see the MCU now beginning to explore this aspect even further. The past few months brought the MCU into space with Guardians of the Galaxy, and now we have Marvel’s Agent Carter leading us into a very different, but still intriguing place - New York in the 1940s.

Hayley Atwell on Agent Carter Carrying on Cap's Work

Yes, we got glimpses of this time and place in the early, NYC portions of Captain America: The First Avenger, but Marvel’s Agent Carter is much more rooted there and brings us into a post-war experience that’s become all about the spy game. As expertly played by Hayley Atwell, Peggy Carter has been established as cool, confident and capable in The First Avenger and the Marvel One-Shot that served as a pilot of sorts for this series and giving her a focused, eight-episode story is a really fun way to explore this character and her corner of the MCU further.

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