
Opinion: Hype Isn’t Always a Bad Thing – Hype is Hope IGN PS3

Hype's gotten a bad rap.

True, things can definitely get out of control when frothy-mouthed marketers promise life-changing miracles to get all of us to take notice of a game nearing release. We all know the dangers of over-hype – and yes, we’re all a little guilty of sometimes getting a little too caught up in the excitement. To be perfectly clear, I do not mean to defend flagrantly false or misleading advertising, and I certainly do not recommend that you pre-order games on blind faith. After all, if people don’t wait for reviews before buying games, I’m out of a job as IGN’s reviews editor. You should absolutely always wait until reviews are in and gameplay footage is available before throwing money at a game, no matter what’s been said ahead of launch.

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