
The Visual History of Zombies in Video Games IGN PS3

The zombie apocalypse is upon us. It has been for some time, actually – over 30 years now, if video games are anything to go by. (And they always are.) We've done a little digging, unearthing three decades' worth of the digital undead to see just how their depictions have changed over time.

The results are unsurprising on a technical level – as video game hardware has become more capable through the generations, these shuffling corpses, Crimson Heads and walkers have become more and more lifelike in their unliving appearance. Whereas it took a true leap of the imagination to extrapolate the idea of an attacking zombie from the sparse, blocky pixels of early '80s efforts, modern titles are so detailed in presenting these beasts' disfigurements that they're almost too gruesome to gaze upon at all.

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