
Uncanny Avengers #1 Review IGN All

After a relatively lackluster first story arc, Uncanny Avengers quickly developed into one of Marvel's best ongoing books. That came to an end pretty abruptly as Uncanny Avengers transitioned into AXIS and most of what distinguished the series vanished. But perhaps the Red Skull is just a curse on this series. As Rick Remender reunited with Daniel Acuna and relaunches the Uncanny Avengers franchise, the quality level immediately returns. Anyone who soured on this property over the past few months will be relieved.

Uncanny Avengers Vol. 2 reads like a natural extension of the first, which may be surprising considering that only two cast members return for the new team (well, three if you count the disembodied mind of Wonder Man). Since the previous volume ended, Wolverine has died, Thor and Captain America have been de-powered, Havok has turned evil and absconded with Wasp, and various other woes have befallen both the Avengers and X-Men. Luckily, Remender has assembled quite the eclectic bunch to form a new Unity Squad. New additions like Quicksilver, Sabretooth, and Brother Voodoo help the new series reflect the fallout of AXIS, while Sam Wilson is contractually obligated to fill in as the new Captain America.

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