
iZombie: "The Exterminator" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Being a zombie isn't just about spreading brains onto wheat crackers and waiting for the visions to start. Tonight's episode revealed a friend of Liv's survived the boat party incident, but she's gone zombie in a bad way. Like, the worst way possible. Introducing the idea of the typical zombie into the world this early on is smart. We've seen three different shades of the monster between Blaine, Liv, and Marcy and all of the information is greatly informing Liv's character and our emotions. At the beginning of the season, a zombie existence didn't look so awful but now...

The contrast was particularly effective because in the not too distant past we saw Liv feeling optimistic about a permanent cure. Now she not only has to wrestle with the fact that it's possible to become a worse version of herself but that maybe she can cross a point of no return. All of these facets combine to create an enticing mix that enriches the series and makes watching Liv's development more fascinating.

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