
Community: "Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

First off, sorry this review is going up late – was in the bay area for WrestleMania and then drove home, hence the lack of writing time until now!

But let’s get on with it, because the best Community of Season 6 so far -- not to mention the longest episode of Community ever (at 31 minutes, will it be surpassed by the new lack of network limitations this season?) -- "Queer Studies & Advanced Waxing” had a couple of strong dueling storylines, focusing on the Dean and Chang.

After years of comic mileage, it was somewhat risky to actually delve into the Dean’s sexuality in a such a direct manner, but it worked. The fact that the school board wanted him to be gay for PR purposes was a good way to set it all up, even as the Dean tried to explain “gay” wasn’t exactly the terminology he’d use – but as Jeff noted, “Anything other than straight is plenty for a school board.”

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