
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series Review IGN All

"Since time began we have lived in the shadows of the moon. In the blood of the earth. Today we will rise, and the world will be ours." With those words From Dusk Till Dawn begins, a TV retelling of the cult 1996 film that was written by Quentin Tarantino and directed by Robert Rodriguez.

The latter returns to both write and direct the show’s pilot, debuting Tuesday on Rodriguez's new cable channel, El Rey, and he does a great job setting things up in a first episode that will be hugely entertaining for newcomers, and somewhat predictable for those who know the film.

That said, proceedings kick off quite unlike the source material, with the camera following a terrified woman as she runs through a jungle. Chased by wild-eyed tribesmen who hunt her down, she’s then tossed into a pit of snakes and – in the episode’s most terrifying moment – bitten over and over again before a huge python finally slithers into her mouth.

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