
Cronenberg on Cosmopolis, Pattinson and TDNR IGN All

Director David Cronenberg’s adaptation of Don Delillo's novel Cosmopolis was released on Blu-ray and DVD on January 1. The film stars Robert Pattinson, of Twilight fame, as a young Wall Street mogul traveling the streets of Manhattan during the course of one day as his personal empire, and the economy at large, crumbles around him. Like many Cronenberg films, this one deals with greed, sex, technology, and in this case, limos.

We had the opportunity to sit down with the director recently to talk about the film, Hollywood and his oft discussed The Dark Knight Rises comments.

WARNING: Full Cosmopolis spoilers follow…

IGN: Many people left Cosmopolis with questions, how do you feel that features like “Citizens of Cosmopolis” are going to illuminate things, or further the conversation?

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