
Justice League #21 Review IGN All

Justice-League_21_Full Just as DC did with Justice League #0 last fall, they're devoting the entirety of Justice League #21 to continuing Geoff Johns and Gary Frank's overhaul of Shazam. This issue wraps up that long-running backup feature for good. By the end, Billy Batson's place is firmly established in the New 52, complete with allies and a full rogues gallery.

I've enjoyed this Shazam revival from the start, but there has been a lingering fear that Johns would downplay some of the more colorful aspects of the character in the interest of making Shazam more hip and modern. He wouldn't be the first DC hero to suffer from that problem in the New 52. Luckily, Johns makes it clear in this finale chapter that he has no intention of doing any such thing. This issue embraces all of Shazam's goofy qualities while still streamlining elements and picking up on some of the changes Johns introduced back in Flashpoint.

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