
Orphan Black: "Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things" Review IGN All

First off, apologies for missing last week’s review! Holiday weekend, yadda yadda yadda.

Second, I have a feeling I might be in the minority on this episode, but I really didn’t like how some things played out in the final act.

Last week, we learned that Leekie may be far more nefarious than he’d seemed of late, with the revelation that he’d been responsible for a fire that killed several people, including Susan Duncan. And this week, we got the quick confirmation on that. All of which was cool and elevated Leekie as a big threat and made his growing showdown with Rachel this season all the more notable.

And then… That all got thrown away. Even if Leekie had “just” run off to parts unknown, it would have seemed odd, given how the season had been progressing. But having him pushed aside by a power player, Marianne (Michelle Forbes), we’d never seen before didn’t sit right. And the moment we kept following Leekie after he ran from Dyad, it felt obvious he was going to be killed. Yes, it being an accident on Donnie’s part made for a “Whoa!” moment, but it still felt a bit cheap.

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SpaceX's New Spacecraft Can Take People to the ISS and Back IGN All

SpaceX founder Elon Musk has revealed his company's new spacecraft the Dragon V2 in a livestreamed webcast.

Dragon V2

According to CNN, the Dragon V2 is SpaceX's first reusable spacecraft, 15 feet tall and capable of delivering up to seven humans to the International Space Station and then bringing them back to earth.

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No Marvel One-Shot for Captain America: The Winter Soldier IGN All

Despite the fact that two of Marvel's One-Shot short films have helped inspire two ABC TV shows - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Marvel's Agent Carter - there apparently will not be a One-Shot film on the Blu-ray home release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier on August 19th.

The most recent One-Shot, All Hail the King, came on the Thor: The Dark World Blu-ray, and featured Iron Man 3's Ben Kingsley reprising his role as Trevor Slattery - who discovers the hard way that his portrayal of "The Mandarin" may have upset a very real Mandarin from the Ten Rings.

Ben-Kingsley-in-All-Hail-the-King1 Ben Kingsley in the All Hail the King Marvel One-Shot.

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Da Vinci's Demons: Season 2 Finale Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

As Season 2 ended, “The Sins of Daedalus” wrapped up this year's tradition of packing a vast amount of content into a single hour. Seriously, if there is one thing I’m going to remember this season for, besides its consistent quality, it’s the amount of meaningful content per episode. This week we witness the fallout to Carlo’s attack on da Vinci, Lorenzo’s long overdue reunion with Lucrezia, Vanessa going into labor, Clarice dealing with Carlo’s betrayal and much, much more. Let’s dive in.

Da Vinci’s attempt to chase down Carlo following the fire doesn’t go so well but it does lead to another enigmatic encounter with Al-Rahim. This time Rahim is apparently there in the flesh. I’m not sure that means much considering we saw him in that otherworldly plain of existence from a few weeks ago. Rahim gives da Vinci a much-needed push in the right direction and it’s revealed that the Book of Leaves is most likely in Constantinople. Hopefully this isn’t another “sorry da Vinci, your Book of Leaves is in another castle” scenario. We won’t know for sure until next season anyways.

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Every Question Answered - BioShock Infinite IGN PS3

Booker (Troy Baker) and Elizabeth (Courtnee Draper) came together at MomoCon -- an anime/gaming convention in Atlanta -- to answer IGN's questions. Here's the whole panel! Thanks to MomoCon.com for sharing the video.



Game of Thrones: "The Mountain and the Viper" Photo Preview IGN All

Going a week without Game of Thrones was more depressing than watching all the death in Westeros. It's back this weekend though with "The Mountain and the Viper." Tyrion found an unexpected ally in Prince Oberyn Martell, and his fate will be decided as the Red Viper of Dorne faces the Mountain in the trial by combat.

While the fight for Tyrion's life takes place, activity is stirring near the Wall. Mole's Town, the village near Castle Black, receives unexpected visitors. We'll also stop by the Eyrie where Littlefinger's motives are questioned; a photo from the episode (in the gallery below) shows Sansa looking forlorn.

And that's not all! Jorah appears to be planning Dany's next move, and Ramsay Snow pops up and tries to prove himself to his father.

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Top Tips For Getting Started With WildStar IGN All

After months of waiting, the day has finally arrived - WildStar has launched and Nexus is ready to be explored (barring any unfortunate server issues, naturally). While some people have been preparing through the beta and getting ready for months, chances are there are more than a fair few of you less certain of what's ahead. Maybe you're a recent MMO convert thanks to the likes of Final Fantasy XIV or The Elder Scrolls Online, or maybe you just fancied the look of Carbine's title. Either way, we got you covered.

We spoke to game design producer Stephan Frost to get the lowdown on what makes WildStar different from other MMOs, and find out what information he thinks you should be armed with before stepping into the game. If you reckon this is all a bit basic for you, never fear; there's a wealth of more involved information in our look at why WildStar may be the MMO to bring disenfranchised genre fans back to the fold. If you're keen to get some advice about how to spend your first few hours however, stick around.

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From Hitman to Battlefield, It's The Top 5 News of The Week - IGN Daily Fix IGN PS3

From the return of Hitman to Battlefield Hardline's leak , Naomi takes you through the Top 5 biggest gaming news Stories for the week of May 26th.



Trailer IGN PS3

One of the most popular entries in the Atelier series is finally being updated with new 3D models, and a bevy of gameplay enhancements.



Gameplay Trailer IGN PS3

See the first ever gameplay footage for Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune's Mighty No. 9.



Merida and Maleficent Trailer IGN PS3

The Brace and Maleficent stars will be playable in Disney Infinity 2.0.



Story Trailer IGN PS3

A World War II shooter with a familiar setting, but a different twist on the story.



Skrillex Doing Sound Design for Transformers 4 IGN All

Bass music producer Skrillex is working on the sound design for Transformers: Age of Extinction.

He tells Billboard he’s creating the craziest Skrillex sounds he could ever make for the fourth Transformers movie.

That’s apparently not the only film he’s currently doing sound design for, although he didn’t mention other projects by name.

Rock band Imagine Dragons is also contributing to the score for Age of Extinction, which is in theaters on June 27.

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The Sly Collection Vita Review IGN All

There’s not a lot of mystery when it comes to ports of classic games -- especially when they’ve already been re-released on another platform. There are only two questions that really matter: do the original experiences hold up, and did the ports ruin anything? In the case of The Sly Collection on PlayStation Vita, I’m happy to report that everything is still awesome and nothing has been ruined. All three of Sly Cooper’s original PlayStation 2 adventures remain as charming and engaging as ever, thanks in part to their imperfect yet still impressive transition to Sony’s portable system.


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I’m a Disabled Gamer and This is My Story IGN PS3

Editor's note: This feature original ran on IGN Middle East on May 27, 2014.

I’m standing in a field with tall grass swaying in the light breeze. In the distance, trees obscure the sunlight as it streams through between the leaves. Nearby, a small cottage leaves a plume of ashy smoke drifting towards the sky, as puffy white clouds lazily crawl across the horizon. The game I’m playing is Skyrim, a game that while visually impressive, has been constantly modified and tweaked by the community to look as lifelike as possible. And to the average gamer, the game does look absolutely breathtaking from almost every angle.

For Robert Kingett, a 24-year-old gamer in Chicago, things are a little bit different. The grass may look like a fuzzy green carpet. The trees look like tall dark sticks, and the clouds are barely visible against a mixed backdrop of blue and white. But despite facing difficulties with his sight and having cerebral palsy, Robert does what most other twenty-something young men do – he plays video games. His disabilities haven’t stopped him from playing and reviewing games, which is something he does a passion that can be found in only a handful of gamers. Over a flurry of emails back and forth, I quizzed him about how he plays video games, what his pet peeves are when gaming, and how he remains so infectiously optimistic. Here’s what he had to say:

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Bonus Mission: QR Code Locations - Watch Dogs IGN PS3

IGN shows you the location of the QR Codes to scan that will unlock a bonus mission in Watch Dogs. Completing the bonus mission will earn the Read-Only trophy / achievement. For more on Watch_Dogs, check out the full wiki on IGN @ http://ift.tt/KHm1yY



I’m a Disabled Gamer and This is My Story IGN All

Editor's note: This feature original ran on IGN Middle East on May 27, 2014.

I’m standing in a field with tall grass swaying in the light breeze. In the distance, trees obscure the sunlight as it streams through between the leaves. Nearby, a small cottage leaves a plume of ashy smoke drifting towards the sky, as puffy white clouds lazily crawl across the horizon. The game I’m playing is Skyrim, a game that while visually impressive, has been constantly modified and tweaked by the community to look as lifelike as possible. And to the average gamer, the game does look absolutely breathtaking from almost every angle.

For Robert Kingett, a 24-year-old gamer in Chicago, things are a little bit different. The grass may look like a fuzzy green carpet. The trees look like tall dark sticks, and the clouds are barely visible against a mixed backdrop of blue and white. But despite facing difficulties with his sight and having cerebral palsy, Robert does what most other twenty-something young men do – he plays video games. His disabilities haven’t stopped him from playing and reviewing games, which is something he does a passion that can be found in only a handful of gamers. Over a flurry of emails back and forth, I quizzed him about how he plays video games, what his pet peeves are when gaming, and how he remains so infectiously optimistic. Here’s what he had to say:

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How You Can Attend Xbox's E3 Briefing IGN All

Microsoft is giving fans a chance to attend the Xbox E3 media briefing this year.

The company will be hosting a pre-E3 event at the Century City Microsoft Store. It will be held on Sunday, June 8 from 1-3pm, and participants can start lining up at 11am. Of the attendees, 100 raffle winners will be given access to the media briefing and post-show. The pre-E3 event itself will also have teasers for ID@Xbox games, Microsoft's indie program.

If you don't get in by raffle, you can of course watch the conference broadcast through Twitch. A second event is being held later in the week at the Century City Microsoft Store, which will let fans play the upcoming Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive. That event will be held the evening of June 11.

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PS4's Upcoming Lineup is Bleak, But Not For Long IGN All

When I saw The Order: 1886 behind closed doors in February, I wasn't impressed. I really liked what developer Ready at Dawn was trying to do -- I found myself quite enamored with the game's alternate history storyline and neo-Victorian setting -- but the demo I witnessed wasn't in good shape. It was obvious The Order: 1886 wasn't going to come out this year, and I predicted that it would be pushed to 2015.

Now that this has unfortunately come true -- The Order: 1886 has indeed been delayed -- PlayStation gamers, myself included, have looked forward to this fall (and beyond) to find that… well… there's pretty much nothing coming out in terms of exclusive triple-A games. With the exception of Evolution Studios' Driveclub, a promising and pretty (yet extremely delayed) driving simulator due out this fall, PlayStation 4 owners have nothing else to look forward to in the realm of marquee exclusives in 2014.

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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II Review IGN All

One of the most incredible things about The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II is how many amusing pop culture references it manages to cram into an action RPG without quite overdoing it. Some are fairly subtle, such as the sight of encircled lambdas glowing on dungeon walls; others slap you across the face with their directness, as in the hunt for one Private Bryan. (“What's so important about him,” Van Helsing's ghost companion Lady Katarina asks. “Does he have a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead?”) The gags are unrelenting, but somehow this rarely detracts from the experience; in a game starring a broadsword-wielding professor from the Victorian era, the comedy enriches it.

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Time is Running Out for Marvel's Avengers Comics IGN All

A couple weeks back, Marvel teased two upcoming event storylines that will follow in the wake of Original Sin. The first is AXIS, an Avengers/X-Men crossover that sees heroes from both teams unite to battle Red Onslaught and his team of uber-villains. The second is "Time Runs Out," a storyline that sees both Avengers and New Avengers jump forward eight months as the threat of a World Incursion looms.

Last week Marvel revealed more details about AXIS and the characters involved. Now they're shedding new light on Time Runs Out. This event will begin in September in the pages of The Avengers #35 and New Avengers #24. As both series jump ahead in time, they'll reflect the various changes destined to unfold across the Marvel Universe in those eight months. Marvel is teasing big things for May 2015, when the rest of the Marvel U. catches up to these two books and the climax of Jonathan Hickman's Avengers saga begins.

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Top 10 Cheers Episodes IGN All

There have been many great American sitcoms, but few are able to claim that it remained just as strong and funny throughout all of its seasons, let alone a whopping eleven. Cheers did that and more: it navigated the seas of tough ratings, endured the death of a dear cast member, the departure of its leading lady, and still gave us one of the funniest, most memorable television shows in history without missing a beat -- and delivered one of the most beloved television theme songs to boot.

We're taking a look back on Cheers' amazing run and counting off ten of the show's absolute best.

Cheers, at its core, is about the bond that develops between people that hang out day in and day out at a bar. When a new person enters a group like that, there’s bound to be some growing pains. “The Heart is a Lonely Snipe Hunter” is the episode that finally made Season 3 addition Frasier Crane a part of the Cheers crew. It’s not the funniest episode by a long shot, but it goes to great lengths to show that the pompous and sometimes holier-than-thou Frasier can indeed be “one of the boys.”

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Who Does Ben Foster Play in Warcraft? IGN All

We spoke one-on-one today with actor Ben Foster (Lone Survivor, X-Men: The Last Stand) during which time we chatted about his role in Warcraft, Moon director Duncan Jones' upcoming adaptation of the beloved game. Be advised of some SPOILERS ahead.

"The character in Warcraft that I play is named Medivh. He's a mage, which is essentially a sorcerer," Foster revealed. "He came up in a time protecting an area, and the way he protected this area was through magic. As peace returned to this land he took a break. He hung up his staff, so to speak, or let his guns get dusty. We meet him as his friends are returning asking for his help in a battle."

Foster continued, "What's exciting about Duncan Jones' take on this video game is that it shows both sides of the war. It shows both sides of a conflict, which is exciting to me. It's not just a video game turned into a movie. It's asking, hopefully, an important question of, where do we limit our compassion for what we consider to be the bad guys?"

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The Last of Us: YouTuber Brings Ellie Actress to Tears IGN PS3

Ashley Johnson brought Ellie to life, but one fan's reaction to her work is too much to take. The Last of Us: Left Behind spoilers ahead.



Brandon Docks and The Wards Privacy Invasion Locations - Watch Dogs Walkthrough IGN PS3

IGN shows you the location for all of Privacy Invasions located in Brandon Docks and The Wards in Watch Dogs. For more investigations, collectibles and super-hacker goodness, check out the full wiki on IGN @ http://ift.tt/KHm1yY



The Loop Privacy Invasion Locations - Watch Dogs Walkthrough IGN PS3

IGN shows you the location for all of Privacy Invasions located in The Loop in Watch Dogs. For more investigations, collectibles and super-hacker goodness, check out the full wiki on IGN @ http://ift.tt/KHm1yY



Parker Square Privacy Invasion Locations - Watch Dogs Walkthrough IGN PS3

IGN shows you the location for all of Privacy Invasions located in Parker Square in Watch Dogs. For more investigations, collectibles and super-hacker goodness, check out the full wiki on IGN @ http://ift.tt/KHm1yY



Mad Mile Privacy Invasion Locations - Watch Dogs Walkthrough IGN PS3

IGN shows you the location for all of Privacy Invasions located in Mad Mile in Watch Dogs. For more investigations, collectibles and super-hacker goodness, check out the full wiki on IGN @ http://ift.tt/KHm1yY



Is Watch Dogs' Low User Rating Justified? - Podcast Beyond IGN PS3

Despite critical praise, the game is seeing low user ratings on Metacritic.



Salem Clip: Avatar's Stephen Lang Makes His Debut IGN All

The conflict on Salem is going to get more intense this Sunday, as we meet Increase Mather, the father of Cotton Mather (Seth Gabel) - an incredibly formidable man known as the greatest witch hunter of the time, which obviously could mean very bad news for the witches in Salem.

Stephen Lang as Increase Mather in Salem. Stephen Lang as Increase Mather in Salem.

Playing Increase is Stephen Lang, who's known for his imposing characters in the likes of Avatar and Terra Nova. IGN has an exclusive clip for you from the episode, showing how Increase got his well-deserved reputation.

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Can There Ever Be Another Batman? IGN PS3

Everyone has their own opinion on who the best superhero character is, but you'd be hard-pressed to argue that anyone other than Batman is the most popular. He's starred in countless thousands of comics over the years, raked in billions of dollars at the box office, been the inspiration for several fantastic cartoons and movies, and has spawned one of the few genuinely great superhero video game series in recent years. Batman is many things to many people, but everybody loves the guy.

So why is he so sad all the time? So why is he so sad all the time?

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Game Scoop! Presents: The Big E3 2014 Preview IGN PS3

Ten days and counting until E3, the biggest video game show of the year, kicks off in LA. IGN will be there live streaming the entire event right at your face starting at 9AM Pacific on June 9th. Prepare your body by watching our big E3 preview above.

We've also broken out each segment on its own. Here's the Xbox preview:

And the PlayStation preview:

And the Nintendo preview:

And, finally, the big games of E3 preview:

See you guys at 9AM Pacific on Monday, June 9th!

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Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Blu-ray and DVD Details IGN All

All 22 Season 1 episodes of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be available on Blu-ray and DVD on September 9th - most likely just a few weeks ahead of the Season 2 premiere on ABC.


Agents of SHIELD - starring Clark Gregg, Chloe Bennet, and Ming-Na Wen - wrapped up its first season back on May 13th, rounding out a much-improved second half of the season (improved thanks to the huge crossover plot from Captain America: The Winter Soldier).

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Can There Ever Be Another Batman? IGN All

Everyone has their own opinion on who the best superhero character is, but you'd be hard-pressed to argue that anyone other than Batman is the most popular. He's starred in countless thousands of comics over the years, raked in billions of dollars at the box office, been the inspiration for several fantastic cartoons and movies, and has spawned one of the few genuinely great superhero video game series in recent years. Batman is many things to many people, but everybody loves the guy.

So why is he so sad all the time? So why is he so sad all the time?

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Game Scoop! Presents: The Big E3 2014 Preview IGN All

Ten days and counting until E3, the biggest video game show of the year, kicks off in LA. IGN will be there live streaming the entire event right at your face starting at 9AM Pacific on June 9th. Prepare your body by watching our big E3 preview above.

We've also broken out each segment on its own. Here's the Xbox preview:

And the PlayStation preview:

And the Nintendo preview:

And, finally, the big games of E3 preview:

See you guys at 9AM Pacific on Monday, June 9th!

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Presenting IGN First: A New Way We’re Covering the Biggest Games IGN PS3


On Monday, June 2, we at IGN will proudly unveil the first game we’re featuring in IGN First, a brand-new editorial initiative that takes the best of IGN and channels it into a month-long blast of awesomeness.

In simplest terms, think of IGN First as a story that lasts all month long. Some months will be reveals of brand-new games – like our first game in June. Others will be deep-dives on the biggest ones you already care about. Either way, a new IGN First will debut at the start of each month and engage you with the latest and most exclusive information on the world’s biggest games, and it’ll do so in different ways. Expect a mix of written, video, wiki, and social content. Some months will have lots of down-in-the-dirt, hands-on experience with the title being featured. Other months that highlight games earlier in development will feature interviews and insights into the developers themselves and their histories. You’ll see each IGN First game discussed on Game Scoop, IGN podcasts, and the Daily Fix, with developer appearances on Up at Noon and other IGN programming, too. Every month will be unique in its own fun way.

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7 Crazy Product Placements in Nintendo Games IGN All

Yesterday Nintendo revealed free DLC for Mario Kart 8. What made this piece of news interesting was the fact that the DLC was a Mercedes.

Because the news is kind of odd and funny, we decided to make a call out on Twitter and have people Photoshop products into a Nintendo game.




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Marvel’s Thanos Has Been Cast IGN All

We already knew that Thanos -- the big bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe who was teased at the end of The Avengers -- would be showing up in this summer’s Guardians of the Galaxy. And now we know who will be playing him.

Latino Review has the scoop, reporting that Josh Brolin will voice the character in James Gunn’s space adventure film. Variety subsequently confirmed the report.

Brolin of course isn’t new to comic-book movies, having played Jonah Hex for DC and Warner Bros. (remember that?) and also starring in Spike Lee’s Oldboy remake (remember that?!). Now he’s hitched his galactic wagon to Marvel, which will likely prove more successful than those earlier films.

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Who Is the Most Evil Disney Villainess? IGN All

With Maleficent now in theaters and showing a different side of the Disney villainess we first saw in Sleeping Beauty, we decided it was an ideal time to look back at 12 villainesses from Disney's animated films.

These women have probably triggered more than a few nightmares – hey, Ursula is terrifying when you're a little kid. They've acted wickedly, committed horrible crimes, and some of them have done the worst of the worst.

We've ranked them from the mildest to the most horrible based on what they've planned and what they've actually done.

Before you get excited, no, Elsa isn't exactly a villain. She's more of an anti-hero since her sister Anna is the hero of Frozen. Sure, Elsa set things right in the end, but she nearly froze the citizens of Arendelle to death and her actions came this-close to killing Anna. She didn't do any of it with malicious intent - she only wanted to be herself and to be left alone - but it doesn't change the consequences. Elsa was only able to bring back summer and save the kingdom because of her sister.

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