
Agents of SHIELD: "Heavy Is the Head" Review IGN All

The second episode of SHIELD: Season 2 continued to show off an improved series, boasting better pacing and a stronger overall tone.

Right from the start, it was notable how this episode picked up immediately where last week left off, with May finding Hunter and chasing down Absorbing Man – with a few exceptions, last season almost never had these type of immediate continuations. Most Marvel fans are all in on serialization and no, every episode doesn’t need to bleed into the next, but there’s also no reason to shy away from doing it when it makes sense.

Last week, I noted there wasn’t much to really distinguish new recruits Hunter and Mac, but this episode quickly remedied that, giving both of them plenty of screen time and distinctive characterizations. Hunter especially was given some good material, as we learned of his military-turned-mercenary background. He was shown to be both very much about making money yet also a loyal friend and colleague and his determination that Izzy get a proper burial was a sweet touch. (For now, it seems any theories some of us had on Izzy/Lucy Lawless continuing on aren’t happening, as she was in fact buried).

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