
D4: Xbox One’s Most Enigmatic Exclusive IGN All

One of the most enigmatic Xbox One exclusives announced to date would have to be D4, or Dark Dreams Don’t Die, to give the game its full title. In development by cult Japanese game designer Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro and his team at Access Games, D4 is a murder mystery with an intriguing hook: its detective lead David has lost his memory, but is able to dive into the past to solve crimes. Specifically, his wife’s murder.

Of course, given this is a game from Swery, the real hook is likely to be just how strange and offbeat everything is, and D4’s initial reveal certainly doesn’t disappoint on that basis. David refers to his wife as ‘little Peggy,’ and interactions between characters are deliberately weird, with bizarre facial expressions and glances held for uncomfortably long moments.

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The Venture Bros: "O.S.I. Love You" Review IGN All

Warning: Full episode spoilers follow.

Venture Bros. isn't really what most would label a plot-driven series. There's certainly a great deal of mythology and complex character relationships that have built up over time, but individually each episode is more focused on delivering absurd scenarios and character conflicts. "O.S.I. Love You" was a departure in that regard. As far as this series goes, it was unusually plot-driven as it explored the ongoing fate of Monstroso and Molotov (Molostro? Monstrotov?) and built up the threat of the mysterious, vampiric Investors. Fortunately, "O.S.I. Love You" didn't forget to be entertaining along the way.

This turned out to be one of those episodes where Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick toyed around with the chronology of their story. That approach can be a little overdone, as we saw with the Memento-style Season 4 premiere, but here the nonlinear format worked well. It morphed what would have been a fairly straightforward battle between O.S.I. and Molotov into a conflict riddled with mysteries until the very end. And even when it seemed like a plot twist was painfully obvious (i.e. - Brock not actually killing Molotov), the truth turned out to be much stranger than it seemed. It was a clever approach, without being too clever.

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Falling Skies: "Search and Recover" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers from the episode to follow.

The big “To Be Continued” card that concluded last week’s exciting cliffhanger held much potential. This week we see that potential squandered as a great setup is hampered by needless melodrama and some uncharacteristic behavior by Tom Mason. And, as expected, the search for Anne and creepy little Alexis yields no results.

Post-crash, Pope and Mason are given an opportunity to bond while they make their way back to Charleston. It’s a good setup and a great chance to build the relationship between the two through adversary. The results are a little hit-or-miss however.

The campfire scene was great. Pope sharing the story of how he killed a man, unintentionally, by punching him in the head was a strong emotional moment. Colin Cunningham does a great job of relaying Pope’s regret over killing a man in front of his own son. Between this episode and “Badlands”, Pope is starting to get a lot of strong character moments. Since day one he’s clearly been a stereotypical rebel with a good heart archetype but now we have a little more insight into the real Pope. That’s a good thing.

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Family Tree: "Indians" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

"That was some white-knuckle s***."

Aside from Bea and Monk intermittently stealing scenes, "Indians" featured some really fun non-"usual Christopher Guest player" guest stars in the form of Kevin Pollak, Joe Lo Truglio (Wanderlust), Graham Greene (Defiance), and The Office's Oscar Nunez as a crappy car salesman who knows nothing about cars, selling cars or negotiating.

"Indians" had some fine moments, topped off by an over-enthusiastic Tom, who seemed to be absolutely tickled about possibly being part Mojave. Unfortunately, there were also a ton of lazy/easy jokes as well featuring both Pete and Tom being strangely dense about Native Americans. Especially Pete, who at one point actually revealed that he thought they all immigrated to the U.S. from India and took over land owned by cowboys. I know the two mates aren't from the States, but it's still too much of a stretch to buy them being so ignorant. Although I did like the look of disappointment on Pete's face when he found out that the two tribal elders didn't smoke or drink.

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Watch the Dexter: Season 8 Premiere IGN All

If you haven't seen the Dexter: Season 8 premiere episode or simply want to watch it over again, fret not! You can do so right below, thanks to Showtime releasing the episode online. Check it out below!

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Dexter: Season 8 Premiere Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the Dexter: Season 8 premiere follow...

First of all, everyone can relax. We've got a new Harrison, folks! A new kid. So farewell "blank stares of twins Evan and Luke" and hello Jadon Wells. Not that Harrison ever had to do much more than say a few words per season, but it's clear, from the opening "Wonderful World" scene here in the Season 8 premiere, they needed a kid who could do a bit more. Not much, but something. He had to fly a kite and look like he was playing soccer and such. So, a bit more animated. And if this break in continuity bugs you, you need to re-examine certain aspects of your maturation. I, for one, welcomed it with arms outstretched.

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True Blood: "You're No Good" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

For the record now, this episode marks the second time, since the season premiere two weeks ago, that a character has resorted to screaming "You're dead to me!" at Sookie. A prime example that True Blood has lost almost any and all concept of what it's capable of doing, drama-wise. Especially since Bill should have known that there'd be a more than likely a chance Sookie would refuse to help him while Sookie shouldn't have even cared so much about giving up some of her blood in the first place.

So both of them were just being needlessly stubborn for the sake of confrontation. And at this point, as silly as this particular snap declaration has become on the show, I hope Sookie remains dead to Bill. I hope it sticks. Because it didn't with Jason, who almost immediately took it back. There's also an argument to be made that those who keep telling Sookie that she's dead to them aren't exactly in their right minds, to which I ask why is this show so inclined toward giving us versions of its characters who aren't being themselves?

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It’s All in Your Head: Gaming and the Brain IGN All

We’ve all been gripped by such mischief at one time or another - most likely at Christmas, when spirits are high, or some other holiday when the clan converges: the irresistible urge to fire up the gaming rig and, after she’s had a few egg nogs … Blow. Grandma’s. Mind.

But with what? Delightful cartoon worlds? Dashing hot laps in a Maserati? Of course not. She’s frail, hunched, rheumy-eyed. She wears compression socks, for god’s sake. Naturally, we choose a bit of the old ultra-violence. Zombies are good. Gods of war. The type of space where no one can hear you scream. Odds on, Gran’ll peer into the television screen wearing a puckered gape (quad comedy multiplier for denture detachment), before slowly leaning back in her chair as if sensing a great disturbance in the force, and with reluctant diplomacy, not wishing to crush your spirits, say something like, “Goodness ... I can see that it involves quite a measure of ... hand-eye coordination.”

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It’s All in Your Head: Gaming and the Brain IGN PS3

We’ve all been gripped by such mischief at one time or another - most likely at Christmas, when spirits are high, or some other holiday when the clan converges: the irresistible urge to fire up the gaming rig and, after she’s had a few egg nogs … Blow. Grandma’s. Mind.

But with what? Delightful cartoon worlds? Dashing hot laps in a Maserati? Of course not. She’s frail, hunched, rheumy-eyed. She wears compression socks, for god’s sake. Naturally, we choose a bit of the old ultra-violence. Zombies are good. Gods of war. The type of space where no one can hear you scream. Odds on, Gran’ll peer into the television screen wearing a puckered gape (quad comedy multiplier for denture detachment), before slowly leaning back in her chair as if sensing a great disturbance in the force, and with reluctant diplomacy, not wishing to crush your spirits, say something like, “Goodness ... I can see that it involves quite a measure of ... hand-eye coordination.”

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BioShock Infinite DLC Reveal Coming in Late July IGN All

Irrational Games has confirmed to IGN that new BioShock Infinite downloadable content will be revealed in late July.

The content will mark the first expansion to be released as part of the BioShock Infinite season pass, which was available at launch and will include three pieces of DLC overall.

Last week, Irrational head Ken Levine said the studio is still working on the content, noting that they “have been since the game shipped.” Levine said “things are going well,” but asked fans to understand that “game development takes time.”

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BioShock Infinite DLC Reveal Coming in Late July IGN PS3

Irrational Games has confirmed to IGN that new BioShock Infinite downloadable content will be revealed in late July.

The content will mark the first expansion to be released as part of the BioShock Infinite season pass, which was available at launch and will include three pieces of DLC overall.

Last week, Irrational head Ken Levine said the studio is still working on the content, noting that they “have been since the game shipped.” Levine said “things are going well,” but asked fans to understand that “game development takes time.”

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Monsters U Beats The Heat, White House Down IGN All

Pixar's Monsters University remained the No. 1 movie this weekend, staving off competition from newcomers The Heat and White House Down.

Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy's R-rated buddy cop comedy had a healthy second place debut with $40 million, but director Roland Emmerich's White House Down bowed with a disappointing fourth place showing of $25.7 million.

It appears White House Down really was hurt in the public's eyes by its similarly-themed Olympus Has Fallen, which opened this past spring to $30+ million and ended up earning $160.9 million worldwide.

Here are the weekend's domestic box office estimates via Rentrak:

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5 Tips For Animal Crossing Beginners IGN All

We asked Animal Crossing's developers how to get the most out of the game at the very beginning.




Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 Review IGN All

I always look forward to my yearly installments of Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers. While I stopped keeping up with the physical version years ago, Duels is an excellent way to enjoy this genius card game. Magic was already pretty much perfect, so a digital version needed only to not mess it up -- and Duels didn’t. In fact, it is in some ways superior because of how easy it is to reference card information.

Magic 2014 (the fourth in the series) follows all the same rules as the real-world version. Basically, you play head-to-head against an opponent and attempt to whittle their 20 hit points down to zero by summoning monsters and casting spells. That is an extreme oversimplification, though, as the vast amount of card types and modifiers allow for many different strategies and tactics.

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The Road to the PlayStation 4 IGN All

Watch PS4 architect Mark Cerny discuss the genesis of Sony's next-gen console at the GameLab conference.




Roland Emmerich Interview IGN All

We quiz Roland Emmerich on Independence Day, blowing up the White House & X-Men's connection to WHD.



"I Need To Access A Kaiju Brain" Clip IGN All

Charlie Day's scientist has a very peculiar request for Ron Perlman's black market dealer in this clip from Pacific Rim.



"It´s About Compatibility" Clip IGN All

Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, and Rinko Kikuchi in a scene about the jaeger pilots in Guillermo del Toro's sci-fi epic.



"Can We Talk About This For One Second?" Clip IGN All

Charlie Hunnam confronts his boss Idris Elba in this clip from the sci-fi epic.



Infinity Looms for the Marvel Universe IGN All

Age of Ultron just wrapped up last week, but Marvel is already paving the way for its next event comic. But despite the short gap between the two stories, Infinity has been in the works ever since Jonathan Hickman first took the reins of Avengers and New Avengers. The story spins directly out of current conflicts and sees the Avengers fighting a massive battle on two fronts. On one hand, Captain America leads an A-List team of heroes deep into space to confront a looming threat from a group of beings called The Builders. That leaves Earth almost completely unprotected and ripe for an invasion by Thanos and his army.

That's the crux of Infinity, a story which will unfold in a mini-series of the same name, both of Hickman's Avengers titles, and various other tie-ins (including the recently announced Mighty Avengers ongoing). Marvel held one of their "Next Big Thing" press calls today to shed more light on Infinity and how it fits into Hickman's overarching plan for the Avengers. Joining Hickman was Marvel Executive Editor Tom Brevoort.

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"Elbow Rocket" Clip IGN All

Watch some kickass kaiju vs. jaeger action from director Guillermo del Toro's sci-fi epic.



The Last of Us Walkthrough - Hidden Trophy: That's All I Got (Ellie's Jokes) IGN PS3

IGN shows you how to get the hidden achievement in The Last of Us, "That's All I Got." Unlock this by listening to all of Ellie's (painfully bad) jokes and puns throughout the Pittsburgh and Suburbs chapters of the game.



Trailer #2 IGN All

Hugh Jackman plays a desperate dad seeking his daughter's kidnappers in this thriller also starring Jake Gylenhaal.



The Last of Us Walkthrough - Hidden Trophy: That's All I Got (Ellie's Jokes) IGN All

IGN shows you how to get the hidden achievement in The Last of Us, "That's All I Got." Unlock this by listening to all of Ellie's (painfully bad) jokes and puns throughout the Pittsburgh and Suburbs chapters of the game.



New Kick-Ass 2 Viral Videos IGN All

Check out this pair of new viral videos for Kick-Ass 2 featuring Doctor Gravity, Battle Guy and Insect Man looking to recruit you for their superhero team Justice Forever:

Kick-Ass 2 opens August 16.

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Strike Back: Season 3 Trailer IGN All

Strike Back returns to Cinemax on August 9 for Season 3 (or Season 4 for those who go by the original incarnation of the show) and we've got the new trailer for you.

In Strike Back: Season 3, stealth counterterrorism unit Section 20 pursues a deadly terrorist network from Colombia to Lebanon to Eastern Europe, uncovering deadly plots that threaten the West. The team tracks the elusive terrorist al-Zuhari and his well-financed drug cartel partners as they target European and American interests, both at home and abroad, including Section 20 itself. As they often must do, the Section 20 team is forced to resort to extraordinary measures to protect the greater good, making some members question their future with the unit.

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Who Should be the Next Movie Green Lantern? IGN All

For all of June, with the end of the Geoff Johns’ Green Lantern run and the start of a new era of cosmic adventures for Hal Jordan and company, IGN Comics has been celebrating Green Lantern Month. Of course, this was kinda-sorta a big month for Superman as well, so I thought a good way to cap off Green Lantern Month was to wildly speculate about the (eventual, hopeful) return of Green Lantern in the new cinematic universe that Man of Steel has created.

Even though I personally think that there’s plenty of fun to be found in the 2011 Green Lantern movie (if not necessarily basic filmmaking or storytelling fundamentals), it’s probably a safe bet that all ties to that flick will be severed when it comes time to bring the character back. As such, I would propose leaving Hal Jordan behind altogether. I know, I know. I’m terrible.

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Call of Duty Ghosts - All Access Gameplay Preview IGN All

Check out the all access Call of Duty: Ghost preview featuring iJustine & more!



What Is Johnny Depp's Best Movie? IGN All

Johnny Depp is undoubtedly one of the biggest stars in Hollywood today. He first broke onto the scene when he starred in the 21 Jump Street TV series and played bit parts in movies like Platoon and Nightmare on Elm Street. We knew from the moment we saw Depp's death scene in Elm Street that he was destined for greatness:

And he hasn't disappointed. Depp's career has been nothing if not eclectic. He quickly veered away from pretty-boy roles to tackle more challenging fare in the '90s - Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. And his superstar status was finally cemented after several Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Disney is clearly hoping that Depp's turn as Tonto in the big-budget remake of The Lone Ranger will spark a new multi-billion dollar franchise. We'll find out when that movie hits theaters next week. But for now, we figured it was a perfect time to take a look at Depp's colorful career and select his ten best movies. Read our list and let us know your favorite Depp roles in the comments section below. And check out last year's look back at the many collaborations between Depp and director Tim Burton.

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PS3’s Instant Game Collection: 1 Year, 64 Games IGN PS3

Today, Sony revealed that – in the first year of the PS+ Instant Game Collection – 64 individual games were offered free of charge to subscribers.


The free games offered through the first year are as follows:



How to Jump More Like Mario in New Super Luigi U IGN All

Tired of Luigi's physics in New Super Luigi U? Find out how to jump more like Mario in every level!



PS3’s Instant Game Collection: 1 Year, 64 Games IGN All

Today, Sony revealed that – in the first year of the PS+ Instant Game Collection – 64 individual games were offered free of charge to subscribers.


The free games offered through the first year are as follows:



NHL 14 Cover Athlete Reveal Trailer IGN PS3

The New Jersey Devils' veteran goaltender has won the popular vote, and will be the man gracing the cover of NHL 14 later this year.



Martin Brodeur Is NHL 14’s Cover Athlete IGN PS3

Back in April, EA Sports began its cover athlete contest for NHL 14. Hockey fans didn’t do what was required of them – vote for John Tavares – so longtime New Jersey Devils goaltender Martin Brodeur will grace the cover of this year’s game.


Brodeur has been New Jersey’s starting goaltender since 1993, has won 669 regular season games, and 113 more in the playoffs. Brodeur carried the Devils to three Stanley Cup victories, and also has won two gold medals as part of Team Canada.

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NHL 14 Cover Athlete Reveal Trailer IGN All

The New Jersey Devils' veteran goaltender has won the popular vote, and will be the man gracing the cover of NHL 14 later this year.



Martin Brodeur Is NHL 14’s Cover Athlete IGN All

Back in April, EA Sports began its cover athlete contest for NHL 14. Hockey fans didn’t do what was required of them – vote for John Tavares – so longtime New Jersey Devils goaltender Martin Brodeur will grace the cover of this year’s game.


Brodeur has been New Jersey’s starting goaltender since 1993, has won 669 regular season games, and 113 more in the playoffs. Brodeur carried the Devils to three Stanley Cup victories, and also has won two gold medals as part of Team Canada.

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Dexter's Top 10 Foes IGN All

The end is near!

Dexter's final season kicks off this Sunday, June 30th, on Showtime, and features recurring guest stars Charlotte Rampling and Sean Patrick Flanery in notable new roles.

Now with some seasons in the past, Showtime has come right out and told us who the "big bad" will be. We knew it would be Jimmy Smits in Season 3, and John Lithgow in Season 4. Then they played it closer to the vest in Season 5, and tried to trick us a wee bit in Season 6 by telling us that Edward James Olmos was the villain. In Season 7 we were told there'd be no "big bad," even though Ray Stevenson's Isaak wound up surpassing our expectations. Now we're back to keeping secrets. But it's the final run, so just knowing that Dexter's story is coming to an end is probably bigger than any one villain.

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Sideshow's Freaky Freddy Figure IGN All

A recent addition to the IGN LA office, Sideshow Collectible's Freddy Krueger Premium Format Figure is an impressive and suitably creepy collectible.

photo (1)

21 inches tall, the figure depicts the famous (and infamous) villain from A Nightmare on Elm Street standing tall, while holding out a child's doll... and yes, that's a pretty dark prop inclusion, but very fitting for a character with Freddy's history. The figure is certainly striking looking, with a highly detailed face, depicting Freddy's burned visage, and his iconic clawed glove held to his side. The trademark red and green stripped sweater and Freddy's pants are made of real cloth.

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Xbox Exec: Comparing Console Specs Is 'Meaningless' IGN All

Xbox executive Albert Penello says flaunting hardware specs is "in some ways meaningless."



Ian McKellen's Last Day as Gandalf IGN All

"There and Back Again" has new meaning for Sir Ian McKellen today, as the actor wrapped his final shot playing Gandalf the Grey in Peter Jackson's The Hobbit.



Game of Thrones Casts The Red Viper IGN All

Season 3 may have only just ended, but Game of Thrones is already gearing up for Season 4 and the show's producers have now cast the highly anticipated role of Prince Oberyn, the Red Viper.

EW.com reports that the character will be portrayed by Chilean actor Pedro Pascal, who has previously appeared on CBS's The Good Wife, ABC's Red Widow and most recently, USA's Graceland.

Pedro Pascal in Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe. Pedro Pascal in Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe.

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Johnny Depp Talks Black Mass IGN All

The star on the possibility of playing notorious gangster James "Whitey" Bulger in the Barry Levinson-directed true crime film.



Jamie Foxx on Playing Electro IGN All

Jamie Foxx plays coy on Rhino, but talks about the response to the costume and gives three reasons that Electro is a great villain in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.



Jacobs Ladder Getting a Remake IGN All

Mickey Liddell's LD Entertainment is financing a remake of Jacob's Ladder, based on the 1990 thriller/horror film starring Tim Robbins.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jeff Buhler (The Midnight Meat Train) is penning a screenplay and working from an earlier draft written by Jake Wade Wall, who wrote the 2006 remake of When a Stranger Calls. Michael Gaeta and Alison Rosenzweig will produce and are currently looking for a director.

"The producers are looking to make something more akin to an homage and not mimic the original," says the trade. "The plan is to contemporize the story with new situations and characters but still maintain a story that examines issues and poses existential questions."

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