
Cosplay Battle Winners Revealed IGN All

New York Comic-Con is quickly coming up on its San Diego counterpart, not only in attendance, but percentage of people dressed in cosplay. This year, cosplayers were out in the convention hall in record numbers, and we captured some of the best costumes to participate in our annual cosplay throwdown.

Costumes squared off, battle by battle, until over 1.6 million votes were tallied. We now present the Top Ten vote-getters in the 2012 New York Comic-Con Cosplay Battle.

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Ghosts #1 Review IGN All

Ghosts is Vertigo's latest seasonally appropriate anthology issue. As the simple title suggests, the various stories in this book explore the concept of ghosts from a variety of angles, some much more literal than others. While every Vertigo anthology has at least some worthwhile material, they also ask a lot of readers with the $8 cover price. Luckily, in terms of both the creative talent involved and the quality of the stories, Ghosts is one of Vertigo's better efforts.

The obvious headliner of this issue is Ghost for Hire, a joint effort between Geoff Johns and Jeff Lemire and one that makes a strong case for why Johns should venture outside of the DC Universe more often. It's a fun, charming tale that could just as easily be placed in an all-ages anthology. The other highly significant entry in the issue is Joe Kubert's The Boy and the Old Man. While visually rough since Kubert wasn't able to do more than layout the story before his death, the story is a very heartfelt and engaging look at an elderly, terminally ill man fighting to protect his grandson. It's difficult not to read a deeper significance to the story given Kubert's unfortunate passing.

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A+X #1 Review IGN All

AvX: Versus sought to provide a little brainless levity in the middle of Marvel's big event storyline by focusing only on heroes punching other heroes. A+X is a similar project that instead focuses on heroes teaming with other heroes to punch bad guys. Despite the cover design and naming scheme, it has absolutely nothing to do with AvX itself. But like AvX: Versus, there is some enjoyment to be had out of the two stories within.

The first segment sees Dan Slott weave a team-up adventure between Captain America and Cable. The twist is that the team-up takes place during WWII, long before Cap had become acquainted with the contemporary heroes of the 21st century. Slott's script is fun and lighthearted despite dealing with Nazi doomsday weapons. He introduces a new member of the Trask family whose grand plan involves helping the Nazis build early model Sentinels in order to wipe out mutants before they become a major force in the world. The resulting team-up is enjoyable and succinct in an old school Marvel way, and never do readers have to worry their heads about where this fits into continuity.

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Swamp Thing Annual #1 Review IGN All

The first annual of the relaunched Swamp Thing title tears us away from the greater Rotworld storyline to expand and, in some respects, to alter the story of Alec Holland’s first trip to Castle Arcane. While these simple observations may be enough to put a chill down many a comic book reader’s spine, I urge you to give this book a chance.

The tale itself is a bit of a respite from the heavy, depressing reality of Rotworld. The transition to and from the greater narrative is done well, with pencils-and-inks combo Andrew Belanger and Karl Kerschl approximating the lines and layouts of the main title enough that the transition to Becky Cloonan’s work isn’t jarring. Co-writers Scott Snyder and Scott Tuft have penned a script that accentuates Cloonan’s visual style, adding an appealing love story to a creepy but not quite frightening main plot. In fact, the book shines brightest during Alec’s brief encounter with Abigail Arcane.

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American Horror Story: "Nor'easter" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

Okay, American Horror Story: Asylum. I need someone to root for.

I'm all for insanity, but complete insanity? Granted, this season takes place within an asylum, but it's veering very close to dangerous "empty shock factor" territory, where everything is so over-the-top that it becomes meaningless. During Season 1, I cared about the Harmons. About Vivian and Violet. Even Ben, despite his adultery. At its deranged heart, it was about a family trying to rebuild themselves. At the heart of Asylum you'll find a bunch of crawling worms and rot. Very little substance. And just three episodes in - with "Nor'easter" - we're given one of the most jumbled episodes yet.

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Aquaman #13 Review IGN All

Aquaman’s writer, Geoff Johns, has been reinventing his title character since issue one, and it’s the array of storytelling techniques that he uses that’s made it work. In issue #13, we’re treated to another engrossing issue of Aquaman, with Arthur and his team facing off against not only Black Manta, but his shady puppeteer.

From a gripping segue to open the book to the emotional tug-of-war making up the meat of the story, Johns has you by the lapels on every page. Mera’s conversation with Arthur hearkens back to the very first issue, providing a satisfying conclusion to Johns’ redefinition of the Atlantean superhero. With his character arc complete, the motivations for Arthur’s actions later in the issue are much more believable and affecting. Perhaps more important, the series is nicely primed to leverage Arthur’s relationship to Mera and to explore the remainder of his platonic relationships. If it weren’t for the feeling that Prisoner-of-War’s sequence was left dangling a bit, it would be hard to find any fault with this script at all.

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The Mighty Thor #22 Review IGN All

Matt Fraction's Mighty Thor run has never shown the clear sense of unified purpose and direction that his Invincible Iron Man run did, and so the finale issue lacks some of the sense of purpose and immediacy that many other recent finales have had. On the other hand, Fraction's final chapter is much more uplifting and optimistic than his last Iron Man issue or Kieron Gillen's Journey Into Mystery finale.

The gist of this Everything Burns epilogue is that Thor is put on trial for the crime of pissing off his father. It's worth noting that much of Fraction's early Thor work was characterized by an oddly hostile relationship between Thor and Odin, and that dynamic is back in full force here. As before, Fraction eventually brings the story around and offers some justification for Odin's behavior, but it is strange nonetheless.

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Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #3 Review IGN All

Things get crazy in Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #3. Not dinosaurs wearing jetpacks crazy, but pretty insane nonetheless. Fear not, there is tons of dinosaur action in this issue. It's the same great quality you have come to expect from Mark Waid and Chris Samnee. Tons of fun with just the right mixture of screwball insanity. And dinosaurs. Lots of dinosaurs.

Mark Waid moves the story fast here. Villains die as fast as they appear, dinosaurs rampage everywhere and lots of stuff catches on fire. It's frantic and at times hard to follow. It's not exactly clear why the main villain gives the Rocketeer a means to defeat the horde of dinosaurs, and maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe it's best not to think about it and just enjoy the fact that by the end of this issue the Rocketeer is carrying some sort of alien ray gun and nuking dinosaurs with it. Does it really matter how we go to that point? Probably not.

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Fatale #9 Review IGN All

Fatale #9 showcases what this series does best. You never have all the answers. You're never quite sure of what the plan is, or if there even is one. All you know for sure is that there are dark things out there, and the men who worship them will do anything and everything to appease them. There is no way this story ends well. There is no way that our “heroes” walk off into the sunset. Fatale is not about that. It's about darkness, and that's what makes it so damn good.

There are few teams in the history of the comic medium as consistent as Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Everything they do is at least good, often great. Fatale is, quite possibly, the best series they have produced together. It mixes the best elements of Criminal with unspeakable horrors; horrors that we the readers, often times, don't even get see. But they are there, no doubt. You can feel them in the pages. We don't have to see the movie that Method Church wants so very badly. We know that it shows something something dark and sinister. We know just how bad it is because Brubaker and Philips have shown us its path of destruction.

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Happy #2 Review IGN All

Happy #2 picks up right where #1 left off and violence isn't too far behind. Three pages in, a face is being pounded and scalpels are being jammed into mouths. It's a bloody affair, which is kinda odd when you consider the fact that one of the comics main characters is a tiny, flying donkey unicorn named Happy. This is a crazy book that could be a straight-forward crime tale if it wasn't for that aforementioned cartoon character.

Grant Morrison is playing with us, obviously. Nick is a bastard of a character with almost no redeemable qualities. Happy should be a figment of his imagination, but he's real. He has to be. He gives Nick information, tells him things that Nick could never know on his own. So Happy is real and Nick is an awful human being. Where is Morrison going with this? What's his play here? I don't know, but I know I want to find out. I'm not invested in the characters, or even the story, really, but I want to know what is up with that little donkey, so I'll keep reading. You got me, Morrison.

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American Vampire #32 Review IGN All

Things go from bad to worse for Pearl and Henry in this issue, as the penultimate chapter of Black List delivers the return of a ferocious old enemy and a boatload of double-crosses. I can’t say that I’m necessarily surprised at the betrayals in this issue, but the scope of the plan that’s unknowingly been in motion since the beginning of the arc (and technically way before that) is beyond anything I really expected to play out. Knowing now that American Vampire will be heading on a year-long hiatus, it’s clear that this story’s final chapter is going to have some big changes in store for our cast.

Snyder and Albuquerque work in tandem to deliver an epic tale here, culminating in the entire VMS going under siege. Albuquerque swings for the fences in giant double-page spreads that really push the intensity and action in your face. The real beauty of this moment is in the pacing; Snyder uses most of the issue to methodically explain what Hattie’s been up to since we last saw her. It begins as somewhat of a necessary expository monologue, but slowly builds to a crescendo that lets Albuquerque really cut loose in a way that we haven’t seen since the madness of the Ghost War arc.

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IGN Weekly 'Wood 10.31.12 IGN All

Star Wars: Episode VII is a reality, Disney buys Lucasfilm, Community is coming back, and X-Men: Days of Future Past lands a director,



Bedlam #1 Review IGN All

Bedlam #1 is book that tries hard to push your buttons. It opens with the murder of school children by a psycho killer known as Madder Red. This where most superhero type stories end, with the hero swinging through the window, the bad guy captured. The twist with Bedlam is that our story starts here, at the end. It makes for some interesting stuff and it's without a doubt a series to keep your eye on.

Nick Spencer seems to setting up a morality play, of sorts. His script here sets up lots of interesting questions, but at times tries too hard to answer them. This is a wordy issue where characters talk and talk about the same thing over and over. Madder Red is a villain that seems to be an imitation of the Joker, which is equal parts cool and redundant. Still, there is enough in this first issue to hook you and leave you ready for #2.

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News: Star Wars Episode VII Will Be an "Original Story" IGN All

Episode VII will not be an adaptation of any existing licensed Star Wars material.



AvX: Consequences #4 Review IGN All

Marvel might as well have called this series X-Men: Consequences. The only ramifications of AvX as far as the Avengers are concerned are that Black Panther's house got trashed and Iron Man is perplexed. But Kieron Gillen continues to deliver an interesting and worthwhile follow-up to his Uncanny X-Men run, wrapping up various loose threads and paving the way for new conflicts in the months ahead.

Gillen focuses far less on Cyclops than he has in the previous two issues, meaning that overall issue #4 is a more disjointed affair. But if the sum isn't more than the whole of the parts, the individual parts are still enjoyable. Some of the best scenes involve Magneto, who makes his first real appearance following his unseen cameo in issue #3. Gillen focuses this issue heavily on the current state of Cyclops' Extinction Team players, answering various questions about Magneto, Namor, and Colossus along the way. While Hope's involvement in the book has been dull and unnecessary so far, Gillen renews his focus on her odd bond with Namor here, making her inclusion more vital and interesting for once. Really, the only material that stands out as unnecessary is that focused on Iron Man. Again, there simply isn't much of a story to tell as far as the Avengers are concerned.

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Lot 13 #1 Review IGN All

How fitting is it that we get some new Steve Niles horror on Halloween Day? Even better is that this debut issue of Lot 13 is up to the standards we’ve come to expect from the writer. Lot 13 #1 doesn’t go for the gruesome scares; instead it stalks along quietly, building atmosphere throughout the pages using simple storytelling tricks that build toward a last page reveal that is truly spooky. This isn’t slasher horror, but the more methodical under-your-skin kind that is a thousand times more rewarding.

The story is pretty basic, at least in this debut issue. The book opens on a very disturbing trial in 1670 which ultimately has no bearing on the story within this installment, but will almost certainly be pivotal in the events to come. From there, we get an endearing introduction to the young family that will be serving as our protagonists. All of the characters are extremely likable, even if some of their dialog is a bit overly informative with things like ages and other small bits of exposition. Their chemistry all works well – particularly the husband and wife – and since the dynamic of the book is essentially dependent on our affection for this characters, that’s a very good thing.

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IGN Daily Fix 10.31.12 IGN All

Modern Warfare 4 outed? New Star Wars show on Disney XD; Singer Directing X-Men: First Class sequel; huge BF3 Premium numbers; FIFA 13 breaks records.



Take-Two Discusses Borderlands 2 Success, Next-Gen IGN All

Take-Two reported earnings for the second quarter of its 2013 fiscal year today, earning $288 million in net revenue for the period between July 1st and September 30th, up 169% compared to last year. The company pointed to the continued success of Borderlands 2 -- which has now shipped 5 million copies -- and NBA 2K13 as highlights, noting that NBA 2K13 is “shaping up to be our most successful sports release ever.”

Catalog sales have also been successful for 2K, with Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto IV continuing to be solid earners and representing 28% of revenue for the quarter. CEO Strauss Zelnick called digitally-delivered content an “important component of our strategy” and said digital content is up 108%, representing 20% of net revenue. "Take-Two's second quarter revenue and earnings exceeded our outlook, driven by the breakout success of 2K's Borderlands 2 and robust demand for our catalog and digitally delivered offerings,” Zelnick said. “Our business continues to fire on all cylinders, led by terrific early results from 2K's NBA 2K13.”

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Assassin's Creed 3: What's New biggest changes setting combat multiplayer IGN All

Wondering if the latest Assassin's Creed has changed significantly? We walk you through what's new in the world of Assassins and Templars.



The Top 25 Horror Movie Villains IGN All

Today is Halloween, and while many of you may be out partying or seeking free candy, we suspect many IGN readers are deep into Halloween movie marathons this week. Recently we posted a series of Face-offs, asking readers to vote on their favorite horror movie villains, from a list containing everyone from Freddy Krueger to Count Dracula to Hannibal Lecter.

After 1.8 million votes, the results are in, and these are the Top 25 horror villains as voted by you!

Back before the Beethoven franchise showed us how lovable and helpful St. Bernards can be, Cujo had us running in terror from these gargantuan canines. All it takes is a little bat bite and this friendly household pet morphs into a raging, bloodthirsty monster. Cujo accomplishes a lot with one simple, terrifying premise - a mother and her toddler son are trapped in a broken down car as a rabid dog stalks them. At least the movie had a happier ending than the book.

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Borderlands Legends Review IGN All

While the console Borderlands titles are best described as FPS / RPG mash-ups, 2K Games’ new iOS spinoff Borderlands Legends takes much more inspiration from the strategy genre. The game stars the fearsome foursome from the original Borderlands, with one major change. Players control all four party members at once from an overhead RTS-style perspective.

Players simply tap and drag to move Brick, Lilith, Mordecai or Roland around any of the arena-style environments. They’ll automatically fire at any scags or bandits that enter their attack radius. Each character unlocks three special abilities that can be activated on a cool down via buttons in the corner of the screen. Each wave-based challenge has gamers firing off cooldowns at the right moment, maneuvering Brick into position to tank enemies and frantically getting Mordecai the sniper away from the front lines.

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Feige Commends Ben Kingsley's Mandarin IGN All

Last week, we got our first glimpse at Ben Kingsley's Mandarin in Iron Man 3. Since then, Marvel Studios boss and Iron Man 3 producer Kevin Feige has praised Kingsley's performance, noting that his interpretation of the character has helped to reinvigorate the franchise.

"On his last take of his first full day as the Mandarin, when they yelled 'Cut!' the entire crew burst into applause, spearheaded by Mr. Downey himself," Feige told Total Film. "It was pretty amazing to see that."

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Borderlands 2 - Halloween Costumes - Spooky Skins IGN All

Gearbox celebrates Halloween by releasing new Halloween Skins for Borderlands 2.



Winter Soldier #12 Review IGN All

I'm not entirely sure I buy how quickly Bucky gives into evil plan that is placed before him. Sure, his desperation to save Black Widow has clouded his judgment, but the fact that he so willingly reprograms his brain is a bit of a stretch. It leads to some cool moments, but there better be a backup of some sort here, because there is no way this ends well. All that said, this is another solid issue of Winter Soldier and a firm reminder that Ed Brubaker is going to be missed very dearly.

This story arc has moved fast. Brubaker has had Bucky chasing Leo Novokov and the pace has been frantic. This issue is no different, with Bucky making snap decisions as he tries to save Black Widow. This isn't the best issue of Winter Soldier, but when a series is as good as this one, even one of its slightly off issues is still worth your time.

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Imogen Poots Has a Need for Speed IGN All

Fright Night's Imogen Poots is nearing a deal to play the female lead in DreamWorks' upcoming Need for Speed movie.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actress is currently in negotiations to star opposite Aaron Paul in the adaptation of the EA racing game. Poots will play "a savvy exotic car dealer who connects the wealthy with high-end supercars."

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Senseless Violence in Lucius IGN All

Playing as an evil child in Shiver Games' horror adventure.



Take-Two Discusses Borderlands 2 Success, Next-Gen IGN PS3

Take-Two reported earnings for the second quarter of its 2013 fiscal year today, earning $288 million in net revenue for the period between July 1st and September 30th, up 169% compared to last year. The company pointed to the continued success of Borderlands 2 -- which has now shipped 5 million copies -- and NBA 2K13 as highlights, noting that NBA 2K13 is “shaping up to be our most successful sports release ever.”

Catalog sales have also been successful for 2K, with Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto IV continuing to be solid earners and representing 28% of revenue for the quarter. CEO Strauss Zelnick called digitally-delivered content an “important component of our strategy” and said digital content is up 108%, representing 20% of net revenue. "Take-Two's second quarter revenue and earnings exceeded our outlook, driven by the breakout success of 2K's Borderlands 2 and robust demand for our catalog and digitally delivered offerings,” Zelnick said. “Our business continues to fire on all cylinders, led by terrific early results from 2K's NBA 2K13.”

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Assassin's Creed 3: What's New biggest changes setting combat multiplayer IGN PS3

Wondering if the latest Assassin's Creed has changed significantly? We walk you through what's new in the world of Assassins and Templars.



Borderlands 2 - Halloween Costumes - Spooky Skins IGN PS3

Gearbox celebrates Halloween by releasing new Halloween Skins for Borderlands 2.



Celebrate Halloween in Your Favorite Games IGN PS3

It's Halloween, and while you might not be dressing up (unless you wore a costume to browse the internet, in which case more power to you) your favorite video games definitely are. From Uncharted 3 to Borderlands 2, check out the many ways video games got their trick or treat on today.

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Ouya Drops Big Hardware Update IGN All

The Android-based console makers behind Ouya have been relatively quiet since surging past funding in early August, but today Julie Uhrman, Ouya CEO, has dropped an Ouya update that contains more than a few juicy details.

The Ouya team has received their first Printed Circuit Boards and they are really, really small. Ouya's circuit boards are now in Engineering Verification Testing and developers kits should still be on track for a December launch.

Uhrman mentions that they've spent a lot of time modifying and perfecting the design and thermals of the device, but hardware details weren't the only update - Ouya will also ditch Ice Cream Sandwich in favor of the updated Jelly Bean.

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Flight Review IGN All

After years of making performance-capture animated movies, director Robert Zemeckis returns to live-action filmmaking with the new drama Flight, starring Denzel Washington as a boozehound pilot who pulls off a daring rescue of his doomed aircraft. But no sooner is Captain "Whip" Whitaker (Washington) branded a "Captain Sully"-style hero by the media than the investigations into the cause of the crash threaten to not only derail his career, but also send him to jail.

Despite Zemeckis delivering a plane crash set-piece as frightening as the one he crafted for Cast Away, Flight is not an aerial drama (although I did get a kick out of a video tape of Top Gun, another Paramount pilot movie, sitting on Whip's desk at one point). Flight is a story about an alcoholic coming to terms with his affliction and facing up to the lies and destruction they've caused to himself and others. There's a religious element to the movie -- something that's also a component of Alcoholics Anonymous -- which leads to a lot of heavy-handed discussion about fate and God's will.

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Celebrate Halloween in Your Favorite Games IGN All

It's Halloween, and while you might not be dressing up (unless you wore a costume to browse the internet, in which case more power to you) your favorite video games definitely are. From Uncharted 3 to Borderlands 2, check out the many ways video games got their trick or treat on today.

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Captain Marvel #6 Review IGN All

The first story arc of the new Captain Marvel comes to a close in this issue, and it's pretty damn great. The ending takes us back to Carol Danvers' beginning, with glimpses of her origin (complete with original dialogue). This series has been fantastic right from the get-go and this issue does not disappoint. We get something we don't usually get in superhero comics: an ending. The series is continuing, as it should, but this book gives some great closure to Carol's time travel tale.

Kelly Sue DeConnick delivers a tight, fun script here that's filled with plenty of interesting twists and turns. The recycled dialogue is a neat trick and it leads to some pretty funny moments. The neatest trick of all though is how DeConnick brings in the letter that Helen Cobb wrote to Carol Danvers. We last read it in the first issue of this series, and now seeing it again gives it all new meaning. That last line, “And we will be the stars we were always meant to be” is seriously as good as it gets. Brilliant stuff.

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Thank You, George Lucas IGN All

Dear Mr. Lucas,

I can’t say that this represents everyone here at the site. These are just my opinions; my thoughts. In light of yesterday’s big news concerning Lucasfilm, I just wanted to take a few minutes out my day to offer an enormous and sincere “thank you” for everything you’ve given me. I can honestly say that were it not for you, my life would be in a remarkably different place right now.

Yes, I’m a huge Star Wars fan. Like, enormous. And while I’m certainly thanking you for the endless hours of joy that have come as a result of the Star Wars Universe – movies, TV, video games, comics, books, the works – this thank you isn’t quite that simplistic. It’s because of Star Wars that I chose to tell stories when I “grew up,” but more importantly, you instilled in me the ideals of never compromising my vision, earning independence as an artist, and always striving to be innovative in anything that I do.

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Dota 2 Diretide Trailer IGN All

A teaser for a new Halloween-themed mode of play available now in Valve's Dota 2.



The Most Violent Deaths of the Year So Far IGN All

It's been a particularly murderous year for violent video games, and what better day than Halloween to recap our favorite moments? Check out our collection of wonderfully deadly kill montages right here.

So what do you think? Was this the most violent year in gaming history? Let us know in the comments below!

Brian Altano is IGN's Executive Editor of News & Features. Be sure to follow him on Twitter at @agentbizzle. Happy Halloween!

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Rise of the Guardians - Trailer #3 IGN All

The third trailer for DreamWorks' animated movie Rise of the Guardians.



Rise of the Guardians Trailer #2 IGN All

The second trailer for DreamWorks' animated movie Rise of the Guardians.

